I recently studied Briggs Meyers, the personality classification system based on Carl Jung’s theories. The site has a test and when I took it I found I was an INTJ-T. It was a fascinating read. Finally I had a structure through which I could understand myself and the people in my life.

INTJ personalities are very rare, and not all for good reasons. We are notoriously difficult to get along with and so future focused it actually effects our memory in that we don’t retain the present to well.

How the world works with such divergent personalities is a mystery, and maybe that’s why it doesn’t. The movie “Divergent” also fictionalized a world where the major types of personalities are kept separate and try to co exist through mutual agreement.

I find myself pouring through reading material on the subject and seeking out people like me.

Karachi Electric

We all understand the Federal Govt would like KEL to generate more electricity from its expensive and inefficient plants and stop taking electricity from the National Grid, but why not adhere to the contract to supply gas and make sure Govt departments pay electricity bills. We can’t only expect one way compliance.
After this happens we hope Karachi taxpayers get a discount since we shouldn’t have to pay to subsidize electricity losses in other parts of Pakistan. We won’t even request an honourable mention for the fact that most of the nations electric (and other) infrastructure is paid for by taxes paid in Karachi.

Hello world!

So I decided to write a blog after many years of thinking about it since it seems like a good way to expose one’s ideas to scrutiny and get out of the bubble. I will try to post regularly and get some feedback from the world. One had ideas and observations but at times sharing them with one’s circle becomes repetitive and flawed. You can follow me at